Finally, host - based AV programs are under the control of the individual user.
最后, 基于 主机的反病毒程序处于个人用户控制下.
互联网AIM To investigate the role of intimal neovascularization in atheromatous plaque under the control of inflammation.
互联网Causes conjured creatures under the control of the caster to attack the target.
——期刊摘选Independently, local transactions are executed under the control of the local DBMS.
在多数据库中,全局事务是在MDBS的控制下执行, 局部事务在局部DBMS控制下独立执行.
互联网Different type of silver deposits is under the control of different geotectonic environments.
互联网London's Metropolitan Police Force is directly under the control of Home Secretary.
互联网Under the control of the Ministry of finance of Russia, Hua'e Daosheng Bank developed and thrived.
华俄道胜银行的发展、兴盛, 实际上也是在以维特为首的俄国财政部的控制之下.
互联网All schools are under the control of the Ministry of Education.
互联网Under the control of sex violence, the male use some ill - treated ways to reduce women's status.
在性别暴力的控制下, 男性使用1些虐待的方式来降低女性的地位.
互联网This fact indicates that pheromone production is under the control of a PBAN - like factor.
因此可知玉米螟外激素的产生系受一种类 PBAN 因子控制.
互联网Make the hardware coordinate operation under the control of the software.
互联网Software Focus The CMM focuses on the practices are under the control of the software function.
互联网Under the control of the box - office audience rating, literary works indulge in self - admiration .
在票房和收视率的控制下, 文艺作品 孤芳自赏,市场发行捉襟见肘.
互联网Develop position descriptions for all roles under the control of AHM.
互联网Code that executes under the control of the runtime is called managed code.
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